Friday, March 7, 2008

What are your thoughts?

Thanks so much for your participating as the pilot group in our project. We would love to hear your thoughts now...

What are your general comments about today and do you think we are applying technology to our learning in a beneficial and educational way?

Our main intentions of this project were to share this information not only with you but also with our fellow students. Do you have any suggestions on how we can extend our network to others?

What are the biggest pros and cons you have observed today in our presentation?

Are there any other questions for us?

Thanks again.


Kristin L said...

Thank you for sharing this with us. I was impressed by your ability to present your research concisely and your willingness to direct (with clarity!) a library full of sleepy teachers.

Your wikispace is logically organized and extremely helpful both to those who need the basics about the healthcare system and to those who are fairly informed but are seeking more detailed information.

Have you considered including a survey so that you can anonymously poll your readers? I’ve used Survey Monkey in the past for this and found it quite helpful; it automatically analyzes the results.

Thanks again!

T Sale said...

I thought you both gave a balanced presentation of the issue (though I did notice that on the candidates' pages, the pictures of Obama and McCain looked presidential, while the picture of Clinton looked more aggressive and confrontational). I like that you provided links to a wealth of articles about the issue. Perhaps I missed it, but is there a way to provide a link from the wikispace page to the blog so that visitors can move directly to commenting? I'm glad to see someone your age addressing this issue; it usually seems like it's us old geexers who are worrying about it.

Hatak said...

I thank you both for taking the time to present to us on this project. It is very important that you stay involved in the topic as it is a field you have identified as potential careers.

It is always easy and enjoyable to present a topic in which you find passion. As an educator, it is refreshing to see learners who are engaged in creating material to teach others.

I would encourage you to find ways in which you can find/invite other groups outside of education to take part in the discussion.

The most powerful part of your partnership is the fact that you both have differing (strong) opinions and viewpoints. You also bring different styles to your presentation.

Very nice work and carry on.